
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

SSS - 07 : Back to School & Threptin - the meal between meals

School Snack Series - 07

I am sure I am not the only mother who goes through this….
The alarm would slap it shut. It snoozes slap it off again until some realization walks into your sub-consious mind, kicking you out and off the bed, just to go “ooh Sh*# !!! am  too late”.

Here in our household, come mornings, it’s the Dad’s duty to wake the kids, brush and put on their uniforms. The Mom moves straight to the kitchen…breakfast, tiffins for school, office…

But during summer, the Father would have left for work even before the rest of the world is awake. Being on site, the works would start by 4 am, 5 am depending on the heat. Thankfully, the kids too don’t have school during summer, unlike this year…the schools have started and he still got to leave much earlier. Now that really gets me really really nervous. Each morning is a target by itself. 3 school going kids and 1 office going mommie…and we all need to leave at the same time before 7 am.

The kind of days when you keep repeating to "HIM"
Yaar Lord..slow down the clock naa…give me some more time between 6 and 7 am
and all HE does is look back at you, and show….

...... the tonguey !!! :P :P

But, end of the have learned to survive. And turst me, even minor changes in regualr routines can help a long way in the early morning rush.
Sharing here some handy tips to tackel such mornings by doing a couple of the chores, the previous night itself.
I always see to it that there IS a portion of fresh veggie/fruit in their tiffins. So, chop it up the previous night, and keep in the refrigerator tightly sealed in a zip-lock, lest they lose their values.


Seperate the diffrent veggies and here, i put the cut carrots in a sandwich pack and then along with the carrot into the zip-lock. You save on an extra pack. ;)

Some chicken nuggets too, for sandwiches  are fried forehand and so, it just needs warming in the M/W the next day.
Fill the water bottles and into the fridge. The boys prefer the water cold. But mind it, while left out, it definitely develops the precipitation and so do not forget to wipe the surface of the bottle before placing them into their bags.
And,  for a tiffin -peap. A typical pack while defintiely in short of time.  
Milk toast, grapes and Threptin diskettes. Heard of these ? Hold on..will get to it, right after the toast.

Mix milk with some sugar, cardamom powder and vanilla essence. Dip the bread slices in the milk and toast in butter. Sprinkle more sugar on top if kids wants it "sweet"

Do not leave the bread in the milk for long, else it gets too soggy .


And these...threptins...not sure if all are familiar. This has been in my household right from our childhood. My mommy always used to give 2 or 3 of these diskettes to us , either to school or as a snack while we were small and it now goes heriditary, to the next generation. I dont see these in the Kuwait market, but defintiely available in India and each time,  returning back after vacation one or two of these tins would too be on board.

Used as a health food supplements to a diet consisting largely of cereals and vegetables. Threptin Diskettes makes up, qualitatively and quantitatively, the protein requirements of both children and adults. For better utilization of protein, it should preferably be taken twice or thrice daily, 3-5 Threptin diskettes at a time. They are easily digested and well tolerated. It also supplies adequate calories for the efficient utilization of protein.
Threptin Diskettes are available in Regular, Chocolate, Mango and Pineapple flavours
Weight watchers should definitely look out for Threptin Diskettes. These will not only make you feel less hungry, you will give up on your maida and sugary biscuits as well !
These are Glutten free, safe for people with glutten intolerance. 
More about Threptin biscuts/diskette here .
 And by now..I would have overcome my
(a borrowed image..but found it too cute, had to share it )

"this" kinda status to...
(another borrowed image)


  1. wow sonaa i loved reading your post hahaha .. so true so difficult to wake up everyday for me atleast.. i dot have kids now but i have to manage with husband.. i can imagine how difficult part every mom face ;) Lovely lunch idea :D hope i could be a kid again and my mom gives me the tiffin too :D

    1. thanks Teena for being my regular here....yeah agree at times, we too wud feel like going back to those days..but in vain . keep in touch :)

  2. i mum use to make me yummy luch box everyday , dont know if i will be able to so that for my kids will ask my mum to make milk tost
    never seen threptins, will look for them
    keep in touch

    1. lol..yeah...milk toasts..eggie toasts..some quick fixes... :) u get them in the pharmacies.

  3. Loved reading the post Sona, Threptin, that's new to me, and that last picture is so.. cute..

  4. Sona everytime u post something I have to read line by line its like the Sunday supplement of yester years:). I have been looking for some supplement for my daughter as she has a long gap between breakfast and lunch.Threptin was my granny's favorite.I should look for it here.

    1. ....line by line vaayikunathu ezhuthiyathindae spelling/grammer mistakes kaaranam aano :) . i am bad at proof reading, and at most times, i realize my mistakes only after it is posted.

    2. Sona dear anganee parayalle.Some bloggers slap something which needs only a glance but when bloggers like u invest so much in a post it is meant to be read line by line.Ya dont tell me of editing skills I really suck at it.(like Dileep says in Kalyanaraman idu correct cheyatha copy annu:)))
      Yday I did lil research on threptin contents. It has milk solids,sugar, cooked rice flour,bengal gram,cocoa solids rising agent etc so I finally baked regular oats cookies (with 90% oats 10 %apf ,chocolate chip and butter+milk)(bengal bram and rice flour did not know how it will taste in cookie) I think we can come up with a homemade substitute by trying various proportions and few trials.

  5. I wanted to comment yesterday as soon as I read it, then I noticed it was time for me to wear my helmet and rush home, so I went off zoom... :P yes, packing lunch box is like a nightmare for me, my girls have so many demands - no this, no that... I also give them a portion of fruit or vegetable in their box as well... I am hearing of Threptin for the first time, I don't think this is available here...

  6. LOL!! That was funny & at the same time very useful!! you indeed manage your time well!!

  7. Thanks for sharing us this brief information about Threptin Protein Supplement Diskettes, I would love to appreciate the way you have explained about Threptin Protein Supplement Diskettes. To know more benefits about Threptin Protein Supplement Diskettes visit our website.
